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Loyalty marketing impact - Loyalty software πρόγραμμα πόντων

Loyalty marketing impact

Many loyalty programs have changed the way consumers interact with the companies from which they purchase products or services from and how much consumers spend.[39] Many consumers in the US and Europe have become quite accustomed to the rewards and incentives they receive by being a “card carrying” member of an airline, hotel or car rental program. In addition, research from Chris X. Moloney shows that nearly half of all credit card users in the US utilize a points-based rewards program.[40]

In recent years, the competition for high income customers has led many of these loyalty marketing program providers to provide significant perks that deliver value well beyond reward points or miles. Both American’s AAdvantage program and Starwood Hotels’ Preferred Guest program have received industry awards, called “Freddie Awards” by Inside Flyer Magazine and its publisher Randy Petersen for providing perks that customers value highly. These perks have become as important to many travelers as their reward miles according to research.

In his book, Loyalty Rules!Fred Reichheld details the value to customer referral on the growth and financial performance of dozens of leading US firms. Reichheld purports that the measurement of company advocates, or promoters, is the strongest single measurable correlation between customers and corporate performance. Similarly, Chris X. Moloney has presented new findings (Loyalty World London 2006) that showed a magnetic value to a company to promote and measure customer referrals and advocacy via research and marketing.

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